jeudi 29 mai 2014

Journey au printemps 2012 sur le PSN

Journey au printemps 2012 sur le PSNAprès avoir délivré les très conceptuels Flow et Flower, Thatgamecompany devrait bientôt réitérer l'expérience en proposant l'enchanteur Journey, en téléchargement sur le PSN. Ce voyage initiatique écope en effet d'une date assez vague, d'ailleurs un peu plus tardive qu'espéré. Celui-ci devrait en effet débarquer au printemps 2012 sur le PSN, alors qu'on l'attendait plutôt d'ici la fin de l'année. Peu importe, on attendra le temps qu'il faudra pour assouvir notre curiosité, attisée lors de la bêta fermée de l'été dernier. Nous avions alors consacré un Gaming Live à ce titre, que vous pouvez d'ailleurs visionner ci-dessous.

Gaming Live de Journey

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  • Journey PS3
  • mardi 27 mai 2014

    Final Fantasy Type-0 confirm en Europe

    Final Fantasy Type-0 confirmé en EuropeBien que tous les Final Fantasy sortent en Europe depuis maintenant plus d'une décennie, il restait tout de même un léger doute concernant Final Fantasy Type-0. Il faut dire que l'effet cumulé d'un 13ème épisode décrié et d'une PSP pas très populaire en Europe avait de quoi faire peur à Square Enix. Toutefois, maintenant que Type-0 s'est vendu à plus de 650.000 exemplaires au Japon, le géant nippon est désormais plus confiant et annonce, par l'intermédiaire du producteur Yoshinori Kitase, que le titre est en cours de localisation pour faire un petit tour du côté de chez nous. Cela dit, si le travail ne commence que maintenant, il va falloir être patient...

    Mise à jour : Square Enix vient de déclarer qu'une éventuelle sortie européenne de Final Fantasy Type-0 n'est finalement pas confirmée...

  • Final Fantasy Type-0 PSP
  • vendredi 23 mai 2014

    Microsoft discovers Android spam botnet

    Microsoft has discovered an Android botnet responsible for sending large volumes of spam across the web, raising further concerns about the security of mobile operating systems.

    Terry Zink, security engineer for Microsoft, revealed that spam messages are being sent from the Yahoo! Mail app on Android, showing that at least one botnet exists on Googles popular mobile platform.All of the spam detected was from compromised Yahoo accounts, so it probably says more about Yahoo than it does Android, but all of the messages also feature “Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android” at the bottom, as well as an Android-specific email.Zink found that most of the infections were in the following countries: Chile, Indonesia, Lebanon, Oman, Philippines, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, Ukraine, and Venezuela. He said that users in developed countries tend to have fewer malware infections than those in developing countries like many of the above.Zink also suggested that the infections are the result of downloading illegitimate apps, including a possible rogue Yahoo! Mail app.Smartphones are, in many ways, more computer than phone, but users tend to not treat them like they would their PC or laptop, which most people have anti-virus software for. As the smartphone market continues to boom, users will need to adjust their security habits.Image Credit: Bodo Akdeniz

    jeudi 22 mai 2014

    Fender Stratocaster introduces USB enabled guitar

    If there were any guitar maker that emanates nostalgia, it would be a Fender. Starting out as the ‘Fender’s Radio Service’, the small business would go on to become the first company to set a precedent by offering the first solid-body Spanish-style electric guitar produced in mass. The company would become synonymous with style and of course Rock n’ Roll.

    However, in this day and age everyone want to somehow connect all their gadgets to a computer. Fender has acknowledged this reality, and will be offering a budget friendly guitar with a USB hookup to allow users to record their own tracks and share them with friends or colleagues.

    The new electric guitar will be called the Squier Stratocaster (one the best selling guitars of all time was the Fender Stratocaster, introduced in the 1950s) and will offer an integrated USB port, which allows one to record and share their music tracks. While the guitar is being marketed to the Apple iOS platform, Fender made sure the guitar was PC friendly and it will also be compatible with Windows 7 operating systems and above.

    It is only logical that Fender would choose this new type of method with Internet technology and speeds advancing like they are now. Instead of some fancy audio interface connection, now anyone can connect their USB, record some tracks and then upload it immediately to the Internet. This revolutionary guitar offers a stereo headphone jack that has a volume control when the user connects it to their iDevice or PC. The guitar can of course be played like any other electric guitar with the standard ¼” jack.

    The Apple store states that the all-new Squier from Fender will offer a bi-directional audio streaming, which includes a top of the line headphone amp. This guitar will allow the user to record directly to their iPhone, iPad or Mac without the need of any hardware. Some of the specifications on the guitar include a pickup tone control, type mini-USB connector with bi-directional audio streaming and a pickup select switch.

    Currently the guitar is only available at the Apple store and is priced at a highly reasonable 199.95 U.S. dollars, and it even comes with free shipping. For more information you can check it out at the Apple store.